
Showing posts from March, 2019

Sophia Cacciola Interview

           I quit posting to Bottom Shelf Film Reviews because I was not in a good place in my life.  Trying to find a decent paying job with my degree didn't pan out and white collar office work is for those without souls.  I lost interest in filmmaking and almost deleted all those half finished scripts I have typed on my hard drive.  Now this wasn't hitting rock bottom and wondering if jumping in front of an 18 wheeler would solve my problems, that was 2007.  This was that transition from my 20s to my 30s where I couldn't use my youthfulness as an excuse to for my shortcomings or that my ship was coming in.  I wasn't the swinging bachelor I use to be and had two people that depended on me to be a lover, father, and provider.  I swallowed my pride and quit trying to change what I had been for eleven years, a blue collared worker.  I found a decent job at a small steel processing operation and then "the mill" called me back which was a blessing.  I also t